Who to contact for your request

Questions about Fednot

Fednot does not provide legal advice. If you have a question about a notarial matter, please visit www.notaire.be or the notary of your choice.
Student, collaboration, information about Fednot?
Send an email to fednot@fednot.be or call 02/505.08.11.

Are you a journalist?

If you are a journalist, please contact our press team:

FR : Basile Vellut - basile.vellut@fednot.be

NL : Bart AZARE - azare@fednot.be

A disagreement with your notary?

If you have a disagreement with a notary, visit www.ombudsnotaire.be.

Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries asbl

The offices are located in the heart of Brussels:

Rue de la Montagne 30/34
1000 Brussels

BCE : 0409357321