
Legal advices
Fednot has a team of specialized legal experts who provide legal opinions on complex practical issues that may arise during the course of a case.

Notary office management
The management of a notary's office is now similar to that of an SME. In addition to their legal expertise, notaries are also business leaders who need to pay close attention to personnel management, financial policy, ICT tools and so on. For each of these areas, Fednot offers firms customized solutions, as well as audits and assistance from external consultants.

IT Solutions
Fednot's ICT division employs over 100 people from all areas of IT. The division offers some 50 cutting-edge applications dedicated to the engineering sector, and carries out innovative work in the field of dematerialization and administrative simplification. The computerization of the profession means that relations between firms and the various government departments are more fluid and easier. This means they can devote more time to advising their clients at key moments in their lives.

In collaboration with its regional councils (Conseil francophone du notariat belge (CF) and Vlaamse Raad van het Notariaat (Vlanot)), Fednot offers a wide range of training courses for notaries and their staff. These go well beyond the legal sphere, and also focus on mediation, management and IT.

Fednot actively contributes to the international scope of the profession and participates in the Council of Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) and the Union Internationale du Notariat (UINL). Plus d’informations sur

Information for the general public
Transparency and information for the general public are essential to Fednot. The spearhead of external communication is the website, which features FAQs, calculation modules and videos on key moments in life. Plus d’informations sur